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Eighth Training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Terrorism – Nigeria
31 July 2018

Cairo, Egypt – CCCPA held the eighth training on Preventing Radicalization and Extremism Leading to Terrorism (PRELT) in Africa, from July 29 to August 2, 2018. The training aims to provide local leaders with the necessary knowledge and skills to refute extremist interpretations of Islam, while propagating an alternative narrative of peace and coexistence within their local communities.
Fifteen local Nigerian leaders attended the training, including tribal leaders, religious figures, journalists, teachers, women, youth, public servants, and members of civil society. 
The training covers the following modules: understanding the context of radicalization and extremism through conflict analysis and exploring individual pathways to terrorism, addressing the ethics of war and peace in Islam, deconstructing and refuting terrorist narratives, and developing alternative and inclusive peace narratives. 
The training comes as part of the current UNDP project funded by the Government of Japan, “Consolidating Peace, Security and Stability in Africa III - 2017-2018”.

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