CCCPA to Train More Egyptian Peacekeeping Forces
Cairo, Egypt - On 23 August 2015, CCCPA will begin another United Nations pre-deployment training (PDT) for Egyptian peacekeeping forces. The troops will be joining the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). The training (from 23-26 August in Suez City, Egypt), is being held in close collaboration between CCCPA and the Egyptian Ministry of Defense in accordance with General Assembly resolution A/RES/49/37.
As conflicts become more complex, training is not only vital, but a pre-requisite for all peacekeeping personnel to function effectively. With Egypt being one of the top troop contributing countries to peacekeeping missions, efficient training of personnel will result in a more effective operation on the whole. ‘PDT refers to generic, specialized and, where appropriate, mission-specific peacekeeping training that is based on UN standards and takes place prior to deployment to a Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO)-led mission. This training is delivered by Member States to military and police personnel/units in their home country.’
The curriculum is based on UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards and will cover topics such as UN peacekeeping operation principles; protection of civilians, the nature of conflict in the respective country; conflict analysis; international humanitarian law and human rights; the role of gender and women in peacekeeping, rules of engagement and civilian-military cooperation.
The Security Council established MINUSCA by its resolution 2149 (2104) of 10 April 2014 and requested the Secretary-General to subsume BINUCA in the new mission as of the date of the adoption of that resolution. It further requested the Secretary-General to ensure a seamless transition from BINUCA to MINUSCA.
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Flickr - UNAMID