CCCPA Conducts Tabletop Exercise on Mainstreaming Gender in Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding
13 July 2016
Cairo, Egypt - CCCPA held a tabletop exercise (TTX) on mainstreaming gender in peacekeeping and peacebuilding from 11-13 July 2016. A first-of-its-kind in the Arab world and North Africa, the exercise aimed to provide participants with a realistic experience on peacekeeping and peacebuilding. The simulation-based exercise comprised three scenarios that were developed by CCCPA to address a variety of issues pertaining to mainstreaming gender in peacekeeping and peacebuilding, namely, countering sexual exploitation and abuse in peacekeeping missions, countering conflict-related sexual violence, and management of election processes in post-conflict situations.
The nine, highly-motivated trainees were invited to participate in the TTX after having successfully completed the Center’s basic and training of trainers (TOT) courses on mainstreaming gender in peacekeeping and peacebuilding. The trainees, from a number of Arab countries, represented the military, police and civilian components of various peacekeeping missions. (The Center’s multi-layered training approach aims to build lasting capacity in beneficiary countries.)
The exercise was implemented in cooperation with the Crisis Management Centre Finland (CMC Finland) within the framework of the ongoing project between the two centers. Also under this project, CCCPA has conducted eight basic training courses, two TOT courses and finalized a first-of-its-kind training toolkit on mainstreaming gender in peacekeeping and peacebuilding in the Arab world.