The Integrated Training Service (ITS) of the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UNDPKO) and the Department of Field Support (UNDFS) announced the launch of the updated Core Pre-Deployment Training Materials (CPTM) for UN peacekeeping operations.
CCCPA, in partnership with ITS and UNDFS, conducted the UN Training of Trainers (TOT) Pilot Course using the new CPTM in Cairo from 9-19 October 2016. Participants from UN Member States contributed by providing useful feedback, good practices, lessons learned, case studies and other materials that have been incorporated into CPTM 2017.
The CPTM represents the essential knowledge required by all components of peacekeeping personnel to function effectively in UN peacekeeping operations. The CPTM 2017 content has been updated with a strengthened curriculum on conduct and discipline, sexual exploitation and abuse, and the protection of civilians, as well as a newly incorporated theme on environmental protection.